Topics on European Studies (EUNICE)

Course Code
ECTS Credits
Semester 4th / 6th
Course Category

Rozakis Dimitrios (Coordinator)

Course Description
Eunice logo

The content of the course is articulated in four main themes which view the European reality from the view points of European studies, political science, international relations, culture, history and philosophy. Within these themes special lectures will tackle issues of political leadership, ideology and practice, policies, security issues, relations withtheEU’s vicinity as well as with more distant actors. Questions of values, of identity and civilization, of the origin of European Integration, be adressed in the secondhalfof the course. A special session will target the english-writing skills of participating students.

“Social Policy” and “Topics on European Studies” courses are jointly offered by both Departments of the School of Social and Political Sciences (PSIR and SEP) only if there are Erasmus students during the current semester.